We’re Igniting

Author Careers


Author Management

A Customized Approach

Fuse manages a wide variety of authors and illustrators, from bestsellers to debuts, working with fiction and nonfiction for readers of all ages and backgrounds. Our technical efficiency and outside-the-covers creative thinking fine-tunes each client’s career specifically for them.

Beyond Traditional Representation

We blend the tried-and-true methods of traditional publishing with the brash, new opportunities of emerging technologies and an evolving author-agent relationship to actively meet the client’s unique needs.

Strength Of The Team

A boutique, collaborative agency, Fuse provides each client with the expertise and forward vision of the group. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and passion for progression in an ever-changing publishing industry.

We Represent You

We realize that our ongoing success directly results from that of our clients, so we remain at their side to cultivate and strategize throughout the many lives of each book, both before and after the initial sale.